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Bringing the ocean to future generations at Galway Science and Technology Festival

It was a great pleasure to join the 22nd Galway Science and Technology Festival, Ireland’s largest event promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths).

This year’s theme was climate action, and of course, Cyan Planet could not miss this opportunity to spread the word about the importance of our oceans for the climate.

Together with the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT), we spent a whole day at the exhibition to bring the ocean to the visitors.

A major focus of the Science and Technology Festival is to introduce children to technology and natural sciences. Thanks to our VR technology which attracted many visitors, our team did not have a single moment to explore the venue, but did its best to catch up on the never ending queue of children and parents. It was fantastic to see how fast the children immersed completely into the underwater world of the “Seychelles Coral Reef Restoration”, trying to catch a fish, and being stunned by the diversity of animals they’ve never seen before.

Becoming a dolphin with our “How is the Water” Locomotion proof of concept turned out to be as much fun for the kids in the headsets as for their parents watching them.

It was the first time that Cyan Planet presented its experiences to such a young audience, and it was a great joy to receive feedback as authentic as only children can be. Their excitement for the ocean and its life showed us that love and understanding for nature are intrinsic values we all share, but it is not the young generation that needs to remember them - it is a task for all generations to create a connection to the sea again and join forces to protect it.



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